
Built by Community


We’ll be honest with you. We miss you. We miss seeing gyms full of members training, laughing, suffering, and just being a part of something larger than themselves. We miss the events where we’ve met so many of you who share our passion for 2POOD and helping people everywhere in their journey to health and fitness, and as always, lifting heavy. 

Unfortunately, a lot of gyms are closed to in-person workouts, and owners are having to move online temporarily to help serve their members. While this isn’t ideal by any stretch of the imagination, our gym owners have one unique advantage over most traditional businesses - the Community.

2POOD was built by YOU -- the Community -- the same way your own gym was molded by your community. In 2010, 2POOD was just a couple of fitness junkies who fell in love with CrossFit, and more importantly, the feeling when you’re around this Community. Since the beginning, we’ve always held being a part of this Community as foundational to who we are.

Some of our best memories are working small local events like the Garage Games in 2011 in Woodstock, GA, and attending everyGames since 2011. We’ve seen first-hand events like Wodapalooza go from a local event and turn into an event that captivates the eyes of tens of thousands of people for the best 3-day weekend of the year.

We’ve made amazing memories with our customers, seeing many of you visit the booth year after year and become close friends. We look forward to these events every year, getting to hang out with our fellow vendors, athletes, and members of this special group. It’s something that’s easy to take for granted, but when events and circumstances happen that cause you to refocus and appreciate what you have, you are who we’re grateful for. Not getting to meet all of you in person at events this year is something that will make next year’s events even more special, but first, we have to come together as a community and get through this.

When O2 asked us to be a part of the Community Coalition, we were ecstatic to give back 50% of profits to local gym owners. Without these gyms and their members, 2POOD wouldn’t be who we ware today. Giving back to the community that has given us so much and helped shape us as a company is the least we could do to support those who matter most right now.

Last week, we saw close to 200 different gyms purchase to support their gym owner, and we can’t tell you how much that means to us. Seeing members supporting their gyms is exactly what the community was built on.

This doesn’t end here, and once gyms open it won’t be back to normal right away, but we’re excited for that day ahead. In the meantime, lean on your friends, and your fellow gym members to stay positive and hold each other accountable. Text your gym owner and coaches to let them know you’re thinking about them because now is the time that this community shows why it’s a special thing to be a part of.

There’s an old saying that’s never been more accurate to describe what’s going on currently:

"Tough times don't last, but tough people do.”

This Community is full of tough people.


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